martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

New limited launch of the new WATCH funtion multi!

Would you like to watch tv in your work? would you like to listen to music in the bus? have a camera at hand? all in a watch?
Here is the perfect solution to all your problems.
It´s automatic, brilliant and compact...The new watch...STAR WATCH.
This is the only watch made of wood and crystal, using the energy of sola light.This is an innovative invention of the consagrated uruguayan scientist Edwin Chad,the watch noy only grves you the time but also is TV and radio.This can be found in all the more recognized will be launched 23 of junuary on 2011, and eill only cost 200.000 obllars!
Do not lose this oppoitunity! to reouest call 1254210 and less than an hour you´ce enjoy it in your house! CALL NOW!

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