martes, 12 de octubre de 2010


we liked the new experience of working through the internet through a blog.Creemos is a useful way of working with students in grades 5 years so that we can be properly handled with a basic weapon like the computer today

The Tattoo: a social phenomenon

More than one way to "decorate" the body, tattooing has become a form of expression of contemporary culture. The person with the tattoo means something more of it and highlight this part of the body where it does.

The context which created the tattoo is the body itself. Today there is a devotion to the figure. And the tattoo is a pop. Teenagers began to impose it, but I can not speak of an adolescent stage as defined as before. All persons seeking to be young and that aspiration is in dress, behavior and even tattoos.
The tattoo is not just a fad (and that lasts a lifetime). It is also the expression of a social symptom, and it's like a new form of art.

In general league as a teenager because this stage has the characteristic of crisis but in a positive sense, is a time to break ties, to detach from the figures of the parents, to find new forms of identification.

The Tattoo plays an important role for the boy, and it's like a new sense of identity. The boy with the tattoo is saying, "this is me, watch me."

On the other hand, the tattoo can become related to interventions such as body piercing and cosmetic surgery. Are all expressions of the tendency to channel any concerns throughout the body.


YouTube is a website that allows users to upload, download, view and share videos.
Founded in February 2005 by 3 former employees of PayPal (Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Karim Jaweb), the online payment company owned by eBay group. Immediately, the young company attracted the interest of investors and the venture capital firm Sequoira.

It all started with a party. The Chad Hurley and Steve Chen in February 2005. Your video was too long spree to send email to your friends.
In his frustration came the idea: a big place where anyone could post and view any video. That was in 2005, now 65.000 new videos are posted daily.
The short history of YouTube has the highest exponential growth in memory.
Chad Hurley paid with his credit card the first bill for the broadband connection needed to launch its online video site. Since then, demand has been so explosive (100 million hits per month) the cost of infrastructure has risen to two million dollars per month.
This expenditure could not continue for long, unless they find a way to fund it with advertising revenue. This is where Google comes into play, who bought the October 10, 2006 YouTube for 1,650 million dollars.
Reportedly, YouTube will keep its independence from the Google Video service.


Twitter was founded in 2006, a number of young entrepreneurs who worked for the company Podcasts Odeo, Inc., San Francisco, USA, were immersed in a full day of brainstorming ideas.
The company Odeo Inc., had just made a great contribution to the code of Rails 1.0 and had taken Odeo Studio, but were facing strong competition from Apple and others. As they were forced to reinvent itself.
In the context of these meetings, Jack Dorsey proposed an idea in which SMS could be used to tell a small group which was a doing. It was an idea to keep informed a group of people on what was a doing.

Once the project tested several names. The original name for a time was "Status" ( through twitch (twitch) due to vibrations of the type of phones, but they stayed with Twitter. In the words of Dorsey was perfect, and the definition was "a short burst of irrelevant information," the "principle of a bird," which in English is tweet.
If you receive many messages are "twitterpated."

To operate the SMS needed a five-digit short code. Attempts to pull out and leave you with twttr voice, but unfortunately Teen People had the same code with txttp (Text TP). So I decided to get a code that is easy to remember. Chose to 40404.

Twitter is written in Ruby on Rails, has an open API that lets you integrate Twitter both web applications as desktop and mobile applications, and its main features are the requirement, transmission or exchange of views of live events.

The first message was sent by twitter Dorsey at 12:50 on 21 March 2006 and said "just setting up my twttr" (only adjusting my twttr).

The same prototype was used between Odeo employees as an internal service. It was released to the public in July 2006.

Twitter broke the public in 2007 and went from 20.000 to 60.000 daily tweet. The service quickly began to gain currency and in March 2007 won the South by Souhwest Award in the category blog

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


Facebook is a free web site social networks created by Mark Zuckerberg. Originally a site for Harvard University students, but now is open to anyone with an email account. Users can participate in one or more social networks in relation to their academic status, place of work or geographic region.

Has received much attention in the blogosphere and the media to become a platform on which third parties can develop applications and do business from the network. However, there is concern about possible business model, since the results in advertising have proved to be very poor. [Citation needed]

In mid-2007 launched versions in French, German and Spanish to promote its expansion outside the United States, because its users are concentrated in the United States, Canada and Britain. In July 2010, Facebook has 500 million members, and translations into 70 languages